Recent Phases of
Mexican Political History
(These were the subjects of the last four POL 388 Zoom meetings. I will
list two of them on the exam: you will have to write an essay (worth
50%) on one of the two.)
1. Period of PRI domination of Mexican politics
2. Period of the Breakdown of PRI dominance and
emergence of democratic institutions and practices
3. Mexican politics and government institutions
since the beginning of democratization
4. Significant issues in present-day Mexican
Mexico political
vocabulary and notable dates
From the following three lists, I will select eight or ten terms from
which you must select five to (1) accurately describe/define/identify
and (2) explain their practical significance in Mexican politics, political
history, or contemporary government (each will be worth 10%). You will be
required to choose at least one term from each of the three lists of terms
below, so it’s best to have a good idea about what each of the following terms
Mexican political terms
1. dedazo
2. sufragio efectivo, no reelección (suffrage for all, no re-election)
3. clientelism
4. presidentialism, hyper-presidentialism, or presidencialismo
5. Mexican “liberals” v. “conservatives”
6. the ideology of the Revolution
7. technocrats (técnicos v. politicos)
8. Election Laws/Amendments (of 1963, 1973, 1977, 1990, 1996, 2007, 2013/14)
1. one-party state, one-party dominant system
2. republican or presidential system v. responsible or parliamentary system
3. Neoliberalism
Names, Dates, Events, etc.
1. Porfirio Díaz, Porfiriato
2. Mexican Revolution of 1910
3. 1968 Tlatelolco massacre
4. Zapatistas (EZLN)
5. Mexican Miracle